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The Center for Acupuncture Pediatrics & AcuPatching Community Are Closed

Current Resources Available Are Below:

Thrive Ear Seeds Education

Robin Green & Elie Goldschmidt offer auriculotherapy ear seeding classes, workshops & certification for health professionals.

LifeWave Patches & Training

If you're part of Robin's LifeWave team and would like access to weekly meetings, training, and support, please join our new platform hosted by Dr. Suzy McCleary.

Heal Your Child from the Inside Out Book

A HayHouse Treasure, Robin Green's book on helping nurture health happy kids with Chinese Medicine is available on Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble and most major retailers. To learn more, visit Robin's Website.


CLOSED AS OF 6/30/24

After 10 years, the lifetime of Center for Acupuncture Pediatrics come to an end.

This means 'lifetime' access to pediatric training courses in the online portal also ended. We sent multiple emails alerting course participants about the closure. There is no way to access the course materials after 6/30/24 as the portal has been deleted. With the closure of the center, the platforms and websites hosting the courses could not be sustained. We no longer offer customer support for any classes.